Friday, April 25, 2014

Vote to Unionize, or Not

   Today there was a vote to unionize the college athlete. Know matter the vote end result, these young men have started a process of not only changing the game. But, name changing the job description of student athlete.

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Extension of a Podcast

  Rant about a College Recruiting Blacklist

   Didn't sleep well last night. Couldn't sleep at all really, simply wasn't enough. It bothered me to no end that someone would attempt to put a blacklist together, lest lone post it with defiance. I've been at this since '85. I've watched all this recruiting crap evolve. I was told along time ago, "DON'T WRITE CHECKS YOU CAN'T CASH!" It took a while to grasp that concept but I did. Better for it. 
   No one, I repeat NO ONE in the state of Texas has total autonomy power to put any kind of recruiting blacklist together. Those days are long gone. Because the rules of engagement have changed. No longer are you using land line phones calling long distance. No longer are you allowed to stash recruits at an undisclosed location. No longer can you post neighborhood security to keep other schools away. Try as you may, it will not happen. And you definitely don't clamp on the flow of information and traffic. Either to the coach, the parent, or the recruit. 

   A few parameters have changed the landscape. With the addition of the internet. Information is too widely accessible from everywhere. Fax machines are used today because during it's hay day. It was the fastest way to get print information from point A to point B. With a secure line. The internet changed that. 

 Getting back on track. That someone with the where withal, would attempt to think that a threat of a blacklist would enough scare a somewhat non knowledgeable fan. And that is all the person did. Coaches operate on a very different level these days. Electronics, wireless connection has changed it all. We know the office travels 24/7. Some are better at it than others. The office in pocket is what it is referred to. So with that said, folks sometime it's not good to fear claims of recruit restriction.